Term of service

1. Introduction
This document sets out the terms and conditions of use of our hosting service (the «Service»). By using our Service, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service.

2. Use of the Service
You are responsible for using our Service. You must not use the Service in an unlawful manner or for any purpose contrary to ethics or good industry practice.

3. Accommodation content
You are responsible for the content you host on our Service. Content must not infringe copyright, trademarks or intellectual property rights of any third party. We reserve the right to remove any content deemed offensive or illegal.

4. Bandwidth Usage
Excessive bandwidth usage may result in the suspension or termination of your hosting account. You agree not to use our Service to send unsolicited emails or to promote any illegal activities.

5. User responsibility
You are responsible for all activity that occurs on your hosting account. You agree to indemnify and defend us against any demand or claim related to your use of our Service.

6. Termination
We reserve the right to terminate your hosting account at any time, with or without notice, if you breach these Terms of Service.

7. Modifications of the general conditions of use
We reserve the right to modify these general conditions of use at any time.We recommend that you check this page regularly for updates.

8. Applicable law
These general conditions of use are governed by the laws in force in your country of residence. Any dispute will be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent courts in your country of residence.