
Trusted and Professional Tech Organization

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We are leaders in the mobile and web applications industry !

App Development

At Matilow, we create outstanding, bug-free mobile apps and websites that reflect your brand identity. using effective and robust resolution solutions.

Hosting and domains

We offer perfect hosting packages for your business, we also register domain names. by different scalable and secure plans.    

Graphic design

Our graphic design team designs and realizes all your graphic projects. He takes into consideration your desires, your needs and nothing is left to chance. Colors, brand signature, etc... every detail counts.


Learn to code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Dart, PHP, Java … with complete courses, free and accessible to all. Discover the role of the different languages and learn how to use them step by step.

Assistance 24/7

In other words "Day and night" a team is available for your emergencies. With our customer service, we support our customers through different communication channels (E-mail,WhatsApp and phone calls)

 Why choose us? 

Customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We identify all your problems and objectives in order to provide you with answers adapted to your company.

Hosting Services


105.000 FBu/Year

1 Email account

1Gb of storage

1 Site(s) Web

1 Database

1 Domain

24/7 Unlimited Support


256.000 FBu/Year

Unlimited email account

30Gb of storage

3 Site(s) Web

10 Database

3 Domains

24/7 Unlimited Support


450.000 FBu/Year

Unlimited email account

50Gb of storage

30 Site(s) Web

50 Databases

30 Domains

24/7 Unlimited Support

VPS - Standard

1.685.000 FBu/Year

 100Gb of storage

 4Gb RAM

 2 v.Core CPU

 5 Comptes, 5 cPanels

 Positive SSL Gratuit

 Free Positive SSL

VPS - Enhanced

1.250.000 FBu/Year

 200Gb of storage

 8Gb RAM

 4 v.Core CPU

 5 Comptes, 5 cPanels

 Positive SSL Gratuit

 Free Positive SSL

VPS - Ultimate

2.282.400 FBu/Year

 400Gb of storage

 16Gb RAM

 6 v.Core CPU

 5 Comptes, 5 cPanels

 Positive SSL Gratuit

 Free Positive SSL


Ntahangwa, Kinama, Bujumbura, BURUNDI

Phone number

+257 79 910 101 | +257 69 732 312

Email address

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